10.50 $ (+88,88%)

Individual advice at the highest level

Finance - As advisors with an interdisciplinary network, successful top products and long-standing clients, we support you with experience and expertise.

» I have the claim and the goal to perform my task as a consultant very conscientiously. For this reason, I will do my best to advise you well and look after you well.«

We focus on our clients

We have been assisting our clients as contact persons and advisors for questions in the financial sector for several decades. We fulfil our clients' expectations by providing 100% independent and individual advice at the highest level.

Our independence allows us to offer our clients individual, tailor-made solutions and strategies from a wide range of products.



My team of 182 highly competent employees and I have been generating above-average returns for our clients since 1995. Our focus is on the renewable and sustainable energy sectors.


Through our worldwide network, we put together a securities portfolio for our clients. We attach great importance to meeting the expectations and goals of our clients.


We also provide fund solutions as an alternative to our securities recommendations.


ETFs are an extension of our solutions. We use these when our clients want to make a conservative and long-term investment, for example.


Cryptocurrencies have become an essential area in finance. As a result, they also occupy a significant place in our solutions.

Portfolio analysis

As part of our advisory services, we also offer our clients a portfolio analysis carried out by international chartered financial analysts.

Investment advice

Investment advice is our core competence. Our primary goal is the success of our clients, whether it is asset accumulation or preservation of the value of the assets, makes no difference to us.



Clients, assets under management and our team - Weber & Partners is constantly growing. We don't just claim that, we have it in black and white. Because as the saying goes: numbers always tell the truth.

Customers served! 0.0 M €  Average assets per client
Customers served! 0.0  Average age of our clients
Customers served! 0.0 M €  Average investment per client
Customers served! 0.0  Number of Weber & Partners staff


Our independent financial advice is presented in a way that everyone can understand

We guide our clients step by step through the market. We explain this path we take to you so that you can understand each individual step forward.

Initial interview

Not every person or family is always the same. Everyone has different ideas. In this conversation, we introduce ourselves to each other, completely without obligation.


Here we discuss what your goals, needs and wishes are.


After we have established how you would like to proceed in the previous discussions, we put together a tailor-made solution based on your needs.

Continuous support

The financial world is like life itself. Through our end-to-end support, your solutions are always updated to your needs at a certain interval.


Market assessments

Discover a world of possibilities

Invest globally in stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds and funds from a single unified platform. Load your account in multiple currencies and trade assets denominated in multiple currencies.

Fixed income: A real alternative to equities again

There are a number of attractive opportunities in high-quality corporate bonds after the significant correction this year. In contrast to equities, for example, the worst is probably already over.

Satisfied customers say

I have found a very competent partner in Dr. Weber and his team, who explains everything to me in a comprehensible way and takes my ideas into account. I have been extremely satisfied with my returns for over a decade.

Katharina Schwartz


We as a family got to know Dr. Weber through a recommendation. We have been more than happy with his services for almost six years now. Above all, his management of our portfolio through the Corona period has been very successful.

Ulrich Koch


In addition to his success, I appreciate Dr. Weber's accessibility. If I don't reach him directly by phone, he always gets back to me very promptly. That is and was very important to me. The cooperation with him, which has now lasted eight years, has always been crowned with success.

Felix Ackermann


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